416-735-0000 / 905-274-6257

About Us
Committed to Excellence
Arges Training & Consulting (ATC) is a partnership between Rod Edwards and Milt Harmelink, set up for the purpose of training and consulting on the application of traffic control, with particular current emphasis on the OTM Book 7.
Rod Edwards worked for the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) in the traffic field for 31 years and was Head of Traffic Signing for 9 years. He has participated in the development of both the Ontario and Canadian Manuals of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCDs). Since leaving the MTO, he has worked as a traffic consultant, a sign installation contractor and as a work zone safety contractor, with a wealth of field experience.
Milt Harmelink worked for the MTO in a variety of engineering functions for 32 years, including periods as Manager, Traffic Management and Engineering Office (with responsibilities for traffic management, control, safety, and the Ontario MUTCD) and as Director of Transportation Technology and Energy, including the development of advanced traffic management systems. He has participated in the development of the Ontario, Canadian, and US MUTCDs.
Since leaving the MTO, he has worked as a traffic consultant.
Both Milt and Rod have worked as consultants for over 20 years. Working with Dillon Consulting Inc., under contract to MTO, they worked on the development of many of the Ontario Traffic Manual books, including Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 19, and were co-authors of the 2001 Book 7. In addition, they provided substantial input to the development of the 2014 Book 7 developed by MTO. Since the publication of the 2001 edition, they have provided Book 7 training to thousands of Ontario workers from government agencies, regional and municipal road authorities, contractors, consultants, landscapers, surveyors, conservation authorities, and police.